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Modelling Studio (restored)
Posted: Tue Jun 25, 2024 8:51 pm
by IvanGr
I am new to kernelcad. I am trying to change sizes of a HVAC heating duct using Modeling Studio. I cannot find a way to do it. The duct is imported from a .stp file. Is it possible?
Re: Modelling Studio (restored)
Posted: Tue Jun 25, 2024 8:54 pm
by Sergei_O
I think Modelling Studio has not been developed much for a while. It is mostly editor for the native 3DS type of objects and SOR (surface of revolution) and a 3D debugger.
Objects imported form step are of different type. Model explorer shows them as SectionOCC type.
There are operations which can be executed on object level like Boolean operations, but generally surface for these objects and other non-native (not 3ds or sor) are supposed to be modified only programmatically.
Some samples (like Pipes) can be used to modify special types objects. I personally use Solid Works and Rhino to model scene and prepare some objects for runtime manipulation and import via step or vrml.
Update June 2024
Posted: Tue Jun 25, 2024 9:05 pm
by Prashant Kande
This is mostly true. We are thinking from time to time about rewriting Modeling Studio as a generic CAD editor, but there are always higher priorities.
We are developing a kernel. It allows developing business-specific custom applications with the needed affordable functionality.
Implementing a generic CAD system is a different business, which can be lots more resource-consuming.
We consider the set of samples as a distributed kind of editor.
Modeling Studio is still being maintained as a 3D Debugger. It is super important functionality for us.