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DG Kernel 7.2 is out

Posted: Tue Sep 17, 2024 5:52 pm
by Nick
Hello friends

We have released v7.2 :D!
Download, What's new.

The main feature is the new .NET 6.0 (Core) control named DGKCn6. We have also integrated engraving functionality into interface. There is a new Engrave sample.

It was a significant hurdle with the hard transition to .NET Core, team changes, web debacle, .... I really hope the next one will be much smoother.

We are happy how the new interop technology works. It is an improvement in the end. Never mind a forced one. The new way is faster at runtime and will be easier to maintain than the one used in DGKC.

The version is also a significant step in quality improvements. We have put inhumane amount of work into testing and related internal procedures. So far, we are happy with the results. I believe it is the most stable release ever. The version has been used in customer's apps since February.

There are few items left to cleanup, but I believe this post-release stabilization stage will be unusually short.

The next version will be incremental 7.3, but later about that.

Thanks for your interest